Eleven-year-old Sarah Foxwell was kidnapped in the middle of the night by a man she knew, but her younger sister’s observations helped detectives identify...
A family’s Christmas Eve turned into a nightmare when Clifford Burns fatally stabbed his estranged wife, Patricia, at her home while she was preparing...
ADAMS COUNTY, Colo. (TCN) — A 42-year-old man and 33-year-old woman were taken into custody for allegedly abandoning their newborn son on the median of...
A family’s Christmas Eve turned into a nightmare when Clifford Burns fatally stabbed his estranged wife, Patricia, at her home while she was preparing...
ST. MARY’S COUNTY, Md. (TCN) — Authorities arrested a 56-year-old man on suspicion of disrupting religious services at two local churches on Christmas Eve. According...
Eleven-year-old Sarah Foxwell was kidnapped in the middle of the night by a man she knew, but her younger sister’s observations helped detectives identify...
AKRON, Ohio (TCN) — A state appeals court overturned the murder conviction of a 24-year-old woman who bludgeoned her mother with a skillet and fatally stabbed...
Eleven-year-old Sarah Foxwell was kidnapped in the middle of the night by a man she knew, but her younger sister’s observations helped detectives identify...
KISSIMMEE, Fla. (TCN) — Authorities arrested a 22-year-old pizza delivery driver who allegedly stabbed a customer multiple times because she was unhappy with the...